1.Recommended Books
1).Requirement in General
Davis, A., Just Enough Requirements Management," Dorset House, 2005.
Gause, D., and G. Weinberg, Exploring Requirements - Quality Before Design, Dorset House, 1989
Gottesdiener, E., Software Requirement, Memory Jogger, Goal QPC, 2005
Wiegers, K., Software Requirements, 2nd edition, Microsoft Press, 2003
2).Agile Development
Highsmith, J., Agile Project Management, Addison-Wesley, 2009
Schwaber, K., Agile Project Management with Scrum, Microsoft Press, 2004
Settler, G., The Truth About Agile Software Development with Scrum, Emereo, 2009
3).Just Enough Requirements
Bosworth, M., Solution Selling, McGraw Hill, 1995
Davis, A., Just Enough Requirement Management, Dorset House, 2005
DeMarco, T., Why Does Software Cost So Much?, New York: Dorset House, 1995
Gause, D., and G., Weinberg, Are Your Lights on?, Dorset House, 1990
Gottesdeiner, E., Requirements by Collaboration: Workshop for Defining Needs, Addison-Wesley, 2002
Jirotka, M., and J., Goguen, Requirement Engineering: Social and Technical Issues, Academic Press, 1995
Weinberg, G., Rethinking Systems Analysis and Design, Dorset House, 1988
Carlshamre, P., "Release Planning in Market-Driven Software Product Development," Requirements Engineering Journal, 7,3(May 2002), pp. 139-151
Davis, A., "The Art of Eequirement Triage," IEEE Computer, 36, 3(March 2003), pp. 42-49
Karlsson, J., and K., Ryan, "Supporting the Selection of Requirements," IEEE Int'l Workshop on Software Specification and Design,
IEEE Comp Society Press, 1996
Robertson, S., and J., Robertson, Mastering the Requirements Process, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 2006
2.Tools for Triage
Microsoft Access
IBM Rational RequisitePro
Borland(Starbase/TBI) Caliber RM
Integrated Chipware RTM
IBM Telelogic DOORS
Forsberg and Mooz, "System Engineering Overview," in Software Requirement Engineering, Dofman & Thayer, eds., IEEE Computer Society, 1997
Fowler, Survey Research Methods, Sage, 1993
Gottesdeiner, Requirements by Collaboration, Addison-Wesley, 2000
http://www.paper-review.com/tools/rms (from incose.org)
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